Is Botox® the Right Choice for You?

Mar 16, 2022

As we age, wrinkles become more prominent on our faces. For many women, this can be a major source of insecurity.

Though there are many anti-aging products on the market that claim to reduce wrinkles, Botox® is one of the most popular options. We start to wonder if Botox® is the right choice for us, and whether or not it will help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Here, we'll take a look at what Botox® is, how it works, and what the pros and cons are in order to help you make an informed decision. 

What is Botox®? 

Botox® is a popular choice for anti-aging because it can be done without any downtime, and gives you results within 24 hours of your customized treatment on moderate to severe frown lines (and sometimes even sooner). You will see full results within 30 days. Backed by over 16 years of published studies, Botox® Cosmetic is the most widely researched and studied treatment of its kind, approved for use in 95 countries.  The FDA-approved injections cause less noticeable facial expressions so that people who use this form will have smoother skin but also look like themselves with reduced wrinkles - something everyone wants! 

How it works? 

If you have spent years frowning, squinting or smiling then it’s time to stop! Botox® will target the underlying causes for these facial expressions. Your Beauty Boost specialist will inject a custom amount of Botox® into targeted facial muscles causing temporary relaxation to the muscles which helps smooth out the lines.  

What to expect? 

Our team at our Beauty Boost Aesthetics in Jackson, TN have many years of experience with non-surgical facial treatments. We provide you with natural results by using Botox® injections which can be painless if done correctly! To prepare for an injection we may apply a cold pack so it will temporarily numb your skin before giving out gentle pinches when administering this treatment. After the injection, you will experience a pinching sensation that passes quickly. Later, in recovery time your daily activities are unimpeded because minimal healing occurs after receiving this treatment so it's okay to go about life as usual! 

Will my face look overdone or unnatural? 

When treated by one of our licensed and specially trained team members, this technique-sensitive treatment will deliver natural subtle results that best fit your needs. This is a temporary treatment with results lasting 3–12 months, depending on the type of treatment, for moderate to severe frown lines.  

If you are looking to improve your moderate to severe frown lines and crow’s feet without any down time, then Botox® could be the right treatment for you! Contact Beauty Boost Aesthetics today for a free consultation. Our team will help you find the perfect skin care treatment plan that best fits your needs. 

Talk to your provider about your medical history. He or she will compare your health history to the list of contraindications for Botox® to ensure it’s safe for you to use. Your provider should know if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, planning surgery, or taking medications or supplements, or if you have any medical conditions that can affect your muscles or nerves. 

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