
Imagine smoother, younger skin with fewer wrinkles, bolder cheekbones and a look that matches the way you feel. Injectables are non-surgical facial treatments that can slow and hide the effects of aging. One category of Injectables are called neurotoxins. These are commonly used in areas of facial expression – crow’s feet, furrows between our browns and forehead lines. Neurotoxins work by inhibiting the contraction of your muscle in and around those “problem areas.” Neurotoxins are great for not only smoothing and diminishing lines but also for preventing the increased intensity of those lines as we age

What does neurotoxins treat?

  • Gummy Smile
  • Glabella
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Frown lines
  • Neck
  • TMJ
  • Migraines
  • Masseter Reduction
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Marionettes
  • Chin dimpling
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What Neurotoxins Treat?

  • Gummy Smile
  • Glabella
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Frown lines
  • Neck
  • TMJ
  • Migraines
  • Masseter Reduction
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Marionettes
  • Chin dimpling
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While there are many factors that can cause facial lines, it’s not just about cellular changes and reduced collagen. Damage caused by free radicals from the sun or environment also plays an important role in aging our skin tone.

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a treatment for moderate to severe lines that causes frowning, crow’s feet and forehead. The repeated muscle contractions from squinting or raising eyebrows results in skin furrowing causing the formation of these facial features gradually over time. It works beneath surface-level activity by temporarily reducing underlying tension; this helps people look smoother than they have done before!

The BOTOX injections are great for people who want to soften the appearance of dynamic lines and wrinkles without surgery. You can also get it done as preventive treatment, even if you don't show any signs that your face is aging.

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Dynamic wrinkles are caused by the repetitive movement and expressions such as frowning, laughing or smiling. They over time cause your skin to have a furrowed line that is visible even when you're relaxed. Dysport can temporarily soften the muscles, so it appears smoother but with natural-looking results which do not give a " frozen" face.

At Beauty Boost Aesthetics, we offer Dysport to our clients who are looking for a more natural way of achieving younger-looking skin. This injectable treatment works similarly to BOTOX® by reducing and softening dynamic lines on the face while providing smoother features that can last for months after your visit with us!

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Jeuveau is a new neuromodulator specifically designed for cosmetic use and has coined the phrase #newtox. In 2019, it became FDA approved - making this injectable one of only ten in over ten years to do so! It also features "Hi-Pure" technology which helps interrupt communication between nerve endings as well as their targeted muscle fibers; leading to more efficient working properties compared with other similar medications on today's market.

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XEOMIN® can effectively minimize signs of facial aging with natural-looking results. This treatment can smooth out the skin in your face and give you a more youthful appearance.

The results of XEOMIN® last up to four months, and you can maintain them with occasional follow-up treatments.

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